Here's a quick heads up on me

A technofunctinal enterpreneur by profession who loves to create opportunities in 3D and explore the 5D

Namaste ! Thanks for landing on my webpage. Since you are here, let me quickly introduce myself - My name is Chinka and I am just another soul like you trying to do my bit to make this world more beautiful, liveable and full of opportunities while I am here on the planet.

Its my collection of experiences, knowledge and thoughts that I started to write for my own self and eventually felt can be shared

Though I strongly believe everyone born on this planet has their own unique paths, experiences and wisdom, but these are all acquired over time at the expense of our life clock ticking away. Certainly leveraging others’ can save us some clock ticks. There is a give and take cycle that needs to be maintained. What I am continually taking , I strongly feel an urge to share back in the society as well. 

My inclination to Learn embarks path to my professional journey

I have changed a lot of career streams, aspired to be a doctor which i actually wanted, landed up in Engineering College, started my career as Software Developer, hopped to Functional Consulting, worked in startups , started my own, landed into launching my product, started getting into Marketing and now into operations and still open to take up roles that challenge me and help me fulfil my life purpose. In this journey to find my true work that aligns with me, have even worked as a Life Insurance Agent, a part time Blogger, a Tutor, an event organiser and what not. Now when I look back, it was all worth it and perhaps taught a lot to me.


Chinka Gupta

Director, Noncelabs

Writing is the most constructive way for me to relax my Mind

Keeping up with my introversion, i prefer to write over talk and here’s my galaxy of blogs. Do give a quick read and feel free to comment about your thoughts on same. You can always show some love by ignoring the typos and errors in the blogs knowing that I get limited time to work on this website and I like to be greedy and write as much as I can.

Want to give back to the society via Jitender Foundation

Jitender Foundation is a humanitarian organisation started to help the less privileged, give to the mother earth and its beings. 


The destination is never our real happiness, its always the journey that makes life worth living

A Beautiful Human is a collection of easy, practical and feasible practices which if followed guarantees abundances in Love, Health and Money in your life. Extracting the key points from the century’s best selling books and experiences shared by 20 World’s Greatest Leaders and motivational speakers , it gives a practical approach to co-create with the Universe the kind of life you want.

Let me know if you are interested to get a free copy ?


Here's some hot goss about me

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